Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Golden Rule

Luke 6:31 
Treat others the same way you want them to treat you. 

Short and sweet but very powerful!  Oh, that we would ponder this verse and do it continually! 

It’s so easy to see the speck in someone else’s eye and ignore the plank that is in our own eye.  We are not going to be held accountable for how others may act or have treated you.  BUT you will be held accountable for what YOU do! 

This is very easy for me to relate to with my husband.  Neither of us like it when the other one doesn’t answer a question or doesn’t even grunt or nod to acknowledge a statement.  We find it very rude.  And, yet, we both do it! I would like it if Tim never “ignores” me again!  But, what is more important is that I don’t do it again!  This is something God wants me to strive for. 

The Bible says love is patient and kind.  Are you patient and kind?  Would you like to hear a heavy sigh when you ask someone to do something?  Then don’t do it.  Would you like to have someone roll their eyes at you as if you were stupid?  Then don’t do it. 

Let’s out-serve one another. Want to?  I love being complimented, so I need to give lots!  I love to be blessed with gifts, so let’s give to others even if it only costs $1-$5.  I love to be encouraged with words, so let’s encourage others. Think about things you can do for your mate.  How about your kids?  How about your co-workers?  

As we strive to be a blessing to others, I believe we will be blessed in return. A few verses after this one says, “Give and it will be given unto you.” Maybe the “giver” won’t be the one you give to, but the Lord will see to it that sooner or later that it returns to you. 

Let’s talk about the grocery clerk who runs the cash register.  It is not her fault that they didn’t have your sale item, or that you are in a hurry because you left yourself very little margin.  Be kind.  

I recently heard, “Christians can be the meanest people on earth.”  Yuk!  I don’t want that said about me.  How about you?  I don’t want my kids to say, “She talked the talk, but didn’t walk the walk”. Our actions speak louder than our words! 

I remember being prompted by the Lord to call a bank teller up to apologize for my actions.  Talk about humbling!  But, if it made her response to His love and grace more appealing, so be it!  We don’t get to see the “why”.  Maybe the Lord was just teaching me.  

I’d like to say that I am perfect in this, but that would be a lie! (Thank God for His grace and forgiveness!)  So, want to strive to put this in practice with me? 

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